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Just another site. The exhibitors must be under the supervision of an Extension Agent or FFA advisor and shall be required to comply with all rules of the shows. The former owner of the land, where the fair is located, was Jimmy Gray, a civil war veteran. ADMISSION WAS 50 CENTS FOR ADULTS AND 25 CENTS FOR CHILDREN. WITH RICHARDS UNTIMELY PASSING IN 2011, MICHAEL PHIL BOOHER WAS HIRED AS THE THIRD FULL-TIME SECRETARY-MANAGER. Your contact information will NEVER be sold or released to a third party. Map. The shows are held rain or shine (or sleet or ice) This is a TRUE automotive-related swap meet, not your trash and trinket flea market kind of show. In 2002 the total attendance was 251,172 and the Appalachian Fair continues to be one of the top family attractions in East Tennessee. Shadrack Christmas. IN THE FALL OF 1975, WITH THE GROWTH OF THE FAIR, THE BOARD VOTED TO HIRE A FULL TIME MANAGER, AND TURNED TO NILES GRAY, WHO HAD SERVED AS TREASURER FOR FOUR YEARS AND PRESIDENT SINCE THE EARLY 60S. One of the biggest factors in the development of the fair has been the building of State Route 181(now I-26) between Kingsport and Johnson City. Join now to unlock additional details,