. If two descendants of hierarchical polygamy marry, the chances for genetic defects increase if the families were ever interrelated. . Literally, if they're 8 years old, it's like taking care of a baby.' . Why is this? Because I fell down this rabbit hole and now so do you all. The Genetic Catastrophe That Has Sprung from Polygamy (KUTV) Weeks after a Kingston polygamist clan member was charged in the death of her child, former members of that group are speaking out about what they say is a much bigger problem.Carolyn . ', "The ultimate goal of the breeding program, Wyler says, is to create the perfect race. By clicking above you agree to the Terms of Use . . "Some genes linked to conditions like microcephaly and dwarfism are 'autosomal recessive,' and are found among the 22-linked pairs of chromosomes that do not include the X and Y sex chromosomes, says Lynn Jorde of the University of Utah's Eccles Human Genetics Institute, a leading genetics research center. "While none of these can positively be linked to incest without DNA testing, geneticists say most of the conditions are exacerbated by incest. . One outspoken Mormon matriarch who attended the same Sunday meeting for 50 years commented about the health of the polygamous descendants versus the monogamous descendants, 'You see it in the obituaries. 'We can only treat the complications of the disorder,' Aleck says. By 1935, his followers began to move to Bountiful, Utah, intending to live under a United Order communal program as defined by Joseph Smith in the Doctrine and Covenants. Is 'Escaping Polygamy' Real? Find out If The Lifetime - Distractify Thanks for contacting us. . "'Incest as a policy or routine practice is rare,' says Melvin Williams, a professor of anthropology at the University of Michigan and a leading expert in the study of kinship systems. Eventually, she admitted she had married her half-brother and given birth to three children. "'You don't want to jump to the conclusion and say all of these are the result of inbreeding,' he says. At the time this inbreeding took place these prophets preached and practiced modern eugenic science, the science of controlling the traits of future populations through selective breeding for idealized traits like blond hair, blue eyes and tall stature. He also married a woman descended from polygamy. . So when you see all of these diseases occurring in the children, it's possible some are the result of inbreeding.'. _____, --Petri Dishes of the Genetically-Destructive Effects of Mormon-Driven Polygamy: "Modern"-day Utah and Cross-Border Towns. "All of the fumarase deficiency children Wyler has seen remain dependent on the parents or caregivers. 'A lady comes in and helps her. 13, p. 195, "We breathe the free air, we have the best looking men and handsomest women, and if they (non-Mormons) envy us our position, well they may, for they are a poor, narrow-minded, pinch-backed race of men, who chain themselves down to the law of monogamy, and live all their days under the dominion of one wife. The Twelve Apostles of Mormonism then acted to increase this familial relationship by marrying other relatives until in 1877, at the end of Brigham Youngs reign as Mormon Prophet and King, the polygamous hierarchy became l00% interrelated. . Half and full siblings are marrying in religious ceremonies. Upon Ortells death in 1987, leadership passed to his son Paul Elden Kingston. 100 years later, eugenics is a discredited science, yet some followers still believe. "Sterility is another consequence of consanguinity and the evidence of many sterile polygamous wives is overwhelming. "Some of the kids can walk, but others have a difficult time even sitting. Thus this monogamic order of marriage, so esteemed by modern Christians as a holy sacrament and divine institution, is nothing but a system established by a set of robbers. [4] Andrea Moore-Emmett, Gods Brothel (San Francisco: Pince-Nez, 2004), 88. ", -Apostle Heber C. Kimball, as quoted Stanley P. Hirshon, "The Lion of the Lord: A Biography of Brigham Young" [New York, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1969], pp. The enzyme irregularity causes severe mental retardation, epileptic seizures and other effects that often leaves children unable to take care of themselves. . . "Some fumarase deficiency children, he says, develop a small degree of motor skills over time: 'They don't remain infantile their entire life. The two Kingston brothers and their business partner, Lev Dermen, are in jail awaiting trial, scheduled to start in July and last six weeks. Arrow Real Estate and Property Compliance, Fountain of Youth Health and Athletic Club. Aleck is a geneticist who participated along with Tarby and others in the groundbreaking study of several polygamous families with fumarase deficiency in the late 1990s. . 'We do know there are biological hazards. 3, p. 291, "I have noticed that a man who has but one wife, and is inclined to that doctrine, soon begins to wither and dry up, while a man who goes into plurality [of wives] looks fresh, young, and sprightly. . At least six of Merlin's incestuously conceived children in turn married half-siblings, couplings that subsequently produced children with various deformities, says Rowenna Erickson, an ex-member who left her polygamous husband. . The samples could be tested for the gene at the Translational Genomics Research Institute in Phoenix. . Some of these marriages will include parents who both are carriers of the fumarase deficiency gene, making it certain that more children will be afflicted with the disease. And it is my purpose to provide for my saints, for all things are mine. Certainly if MORmON Jesus had done this, we would hear all about it from the LDS as *proof* that God was doing his modern work via MORmONISM, but alas there is no such manifestation ! [3] Charles Elden Kingston discourse, 1940 New Years Meeting, 8:40 a.m. to 12:30 a.m., 11; emphasis in original. 'There are people that have married their nieces, people who have married their aunts,' he said. The State of Utah stated: "It was a specific investigation that we were approached by [federal law enforcement] to participate in." Among the participants was Charles W. Kingston. [T]he 'Salt Lake Tribune' . Kingston members today generally claim that keys were received anew from heavenly messengers directly to Elden in 1935, although it appears he left no formal testimony to that effect. . The Kingston family owns an enormous amount of businesses in the Utah area which employ Kingston Clan members, and Merlin Kingston was no exception to this. This resulted in his excommunication from the LDS Church in 1929. Not enough of the fumarase enzyme can lead to severe mental retardation and physical deformities. . . "[44] Members claim they have been broadly and unfairly targeted by authorities for the negative actions of a small few. It alleges sex trafficking, sexual battery and child abuse, and seeks a jury trial and unspecified damages. One of their daughters married another of the community's founding patriarchs and religious leaders, John Yeates Barlow. "'I tried to get people to come, but nobody would listen,' says the mother, who left the group and her marriage after her sons were diagnosed with dwarfism. "Another of Rugg's full sisters, Andrea Johnson, died in 1992 of complications of pre-eclampsia, a condition of pregnancy that was not treated until after the young girl, swollen with toxic fluid, was rushed to the emergency unit at University Hospital. "Tarby says most of the children 'can say at least a word or two,' but that all of them 'have severe mental retardation' with IQs of less than 25. 'And their claim is they marry closely to preserve the royal bloodline, so to speak.'. A young child is also one of the accusers in the suit with allegations the child was raped by his or her father, who allegedly raped the mother. One brother, John Daniel Kingston, was taken to court for neglecting this children. The adoption of children among family members sometimes disguised sterility. (The Church lost its authority to give covenants.) FOX 13 Investigates: Non-profit run by polygamous Kingston group - KSTU "Tarby and a team of doctors from Barrow Neurological Institute at St. Joseph's Hospital in Phoenix and the University of Arizona College of Medicine in Tucson began researching the disease and soon discovered that fumarase deficiency was occurring in at least two other families living in the same isolated community that practiced an unusual custom. . Childbirth would be fraught with despair and guilt for me and for many family members. [14] Some of their secrecy might be attributed to a fear of arrest for living in plural marriages, as had happened in 19591960 when being investigated by the Davis County Grand Jury, which some members claimed was organized by LDS Apostles Mark E. Peterson and Spencer W. The children who can't walk, the medical experts say, have most likely suffered strokes during severe seizures. 'Maybe it will just self-destruct,' historian Bistline says of the fundamentalist church he quit 20 years ago because of a dispute over religious doctrine and property ownership. Grant determined to keep marrying until he found a woman to bear him living sons. "Her half-brother is still married to another half-sister (whose parents also were half-sister and brother) and are still members of the Kingston's order. And Jeffs so far has shown no indication that he is concerned about the increasing prevalence of fumarase deficiency children in the community, former FLDS member Isaac Wyler says. Five of the women suing alleged they were coerced into marriage as minors and raped by their husbands. An MRI of the brain of one fumarase deficiency child showed that more than half the brain was missing. [39], In 2016, the State of Utah with federal law enforcement raided various properties in connection with the Kingston family or Davis County Cooperative Society with the intention of finding welfare fraud. . That apparently was John Ortell Kingston's intent, although most studies of first-cousin mating show their offspring test lower on IQ exams, Jorde says. 'And is that religion popular in heaven?' They are coming out of polygamous communities proliferating in Utah because Mormons are unable to face their history or follow sound marriage and childbirth practices. Tarby asked them to bring the girl to him for an examination. To date Mormons have only paid lip service to stopping polygamy. When you pair up those undesirable genes, something strange will pop out.'. They can't sit up. ". "The genetic defect has been traced back to one of the community's founding patriarchs, the late Joseph Smith Jessop, and the first of his plural wives, according to medical literature, the Mormon Church genealogy database and residents of the community familiar with Jessop and Barlow family histories. Isaac Wyler, a former FLDS member who was excommunicated from the church . . . The Southern Poverty Law Center recognizes the Kingston clan as an " incest and white supremacy " group for its practices outlined in Escaping Polygamy, which include teaching children to not associate themselves with non-white people and, as mentioned by the lawsuit, marrying underage children off to family members of The Order. Certainly the British and French education systems make it clear quite early on (13-14 yrs old). Many from Africa do it too, at least we in N Europe have lately gotten serious problems with immigrant children of polygamists who have various defects. "Last year, a 16-year-old daughter of John Daniel Kingston was forced to marry her uncle, David Ortell Kingston, criminal charges allege, . . [15][16] The Grand Jury was described as "The polygamist hunting Davis County Grand Jury" by the Ogden Standard-Examiner in 1959. For instance, Quinn writes, '[O]ver 20 General Authorities were married to such lesser known wives.' . Not one defect, but many. Source: Twitter Jessica with her husband and three daughters. It is true that the LDS Church has collected tithes and offerings in the millions of dollars over the past decades. Your IP: A fourth to half of father-daughter and brother-sister offspring have mental or physical deficiencies. http://www.azcentral.com/health/news/articles/0209PolygamyBirthDefect09- http://www.childbrides.org/taxes_PNT_forbidden_fruit.html, http://www.rickross.com/reference/polygamy/polygamy25.html. lifted the covers on the many crimes committed in polygamy, . . She suffered from. . "John and Charles' brother, Merlin Barnum Kingston, married and had children with four nieces and a half-sister, say ex-members, including one of his own daughters. . "Recovery from Mormonism - www.exmormon.org", http://www.lds-mormon.com/quinn_polygamy.shtml, http://www.i4m.com/think/polygamy/polygamy_summary.htm. KUTV A large police presence swarmed a well-known polygamous family's property in South Salt Lake Wednesday.A Department of Justice Spokesman Peter Carr confirmed to KUTV that it is involved in . So many young people.'. . Carolyn regularly worked at and tended . [28][29], During the first years of the Davis County Cooperative Society, Elden Kingston and his followers wore unique blue denim outer garments that led to people referring to them as "blue-coats." . . As a symbol of their renunciation of worldly goods, the outer clothing contained no pockets in which possessions could be carried, although later an inside pocket was provided for the sanitary measure of carrying a handkerchief. [45] Members allege to have been targeted for audit at a rate over 9x the published IRS average for the general population, with no pattern of fraud being found outside of a couple of bad-actors. . . All are retarded, the neurologist told Salt Lake City television station KSL-TV. . "Genealogists and especially epidemiologists must be scrupulous in identifying all the wives and children of any polygamist man. ", -Prophet John Taylor, "Millennial Star," vol. We dont expect any of the claims to prevail in a court of law.. ". Derman was found guilty of masterminding the scheme in March 2020. In the revelation, the Lord commands him to take virgins 'an hundredfold in this world' for the purpose to 'multiply and replenish the Earth' so 'they may bear the souls of men.' "Dr. Vinodh Narayanan, a pediatric neurologist at St. Joseph's Hospital, says he is seeking funding to develop a test that would allow public health officials to collect voluntary blood samples from as many FLDS members as possible. [11] Some members had begun the practice of plural marriage years before the establishment of the cooperative. --Letting the Genetic Genie Out of the Bottle: God Commands the Mormon Church to Enter Into Biologically-Destructive Practice of Polygamy. He tells community residents that they should undergo genetic screening before marriage, but they've ignored the suggestion, Tarby said. The complaint against the Kingston Group also known as the Order was filed in Salt Lake City last week by 10 people, including Amanda Rae Grant, who starred in the A&E docu-series Escaping Polygamy.. Their brains, he says, 'are strangely shaped' and are frequently missing large areas of brain matter that has been replaced by water. . Rather than take steps to avoid the problem, the FLDS loyalists may believe it is their duty to accept their fate. "Tarby says the disease could begin to show up in children at Warren Jeffs' new FLDS headquarters . ", -Apostle George A Smith, "Journal of Discourses," vol. my question is: How come MORmON god does not get on board with His own programs? They have no movement. Believing that Elden received lost priesthood keys in 1935 also seems to contradict an 1837 scripture given to Joseph Smith stating that the priesthood had then (in 1837) been restored for the last time: For unto you, the Twelve, and those, the First Presidency, who are appointed with you to be your counselors and your leaders, is the power of this priesthood given, for the last days and for the last time, in the which is the dispensation of the fulness of times (D&C 112:30; see also D&C 27:13). Now, let's examine how "God-ordained" Mormon polygamy has wreaked unholy genetic havoc on its faithful followers: --Case Study on Polygamous Mormonism's Genetic Disease Striking Home: The Linda Walker Story. states that '[t]he [Utah] state legislature is consistently 90% Mormon . [I]t appears that Joseph Smith Jessop and his first wife also passed on the rare genetic disorder fumarase deficiency. The FLDS was formed by Mormons who refused to give up polygamy. The Co-op members practiced plural marriage and abided by a rigid hierarchy of leadership and deference. Re: Polygamy's Patriarchy-Poisoned Bloodline: The Genetic Catastrophe That Has Sprung from Joseph Smith's "Divine" Breeding Program of Mormon Mutation . Brigham Young waited until 1868, twenty-one years after arriving in Utah, to actively promote it, and John Taylor ceased emphasizing it shortly after becoming President of the Church. When asked to name his offspring by plural wife Mattingly Foster, Kingston came up with about five names before faltering, saying he was very nervous. After viewing a list of the children, he then attempted to name them but once more fell shortprompting the judge to supply the final child's name for him. Click to reveal Over the past decades, the Kingston Group has maintained extreme secrecy while developing an extensive cooperative system, with wealth in at least 50 corporations in Utah and scattered across the West. There is no doubt about that at all. . ', "Wyler says he has seen some fumarase deficiency children who can walk, but others can barely move and spend their entire lives prone. Elden received the covenant of consecration and also the plan of temporal salvation.[2]. Moore-Emmett suggests that the heavily Mormon Utah government is unduly tolerant of polygamy and reluctant to acknowledge the abuses of many polygamous families. "Joseph Smith Jessop and his first wife, Martha Moore Yeates, had 14 children. Although it is a felony under Utah law for close relatives to have sex, only one Kingston -- John and LaDonna's fifth son, David Ortell -- has been criminally charged with incest. . Performance & security by Cloudflare. All went bareheaded and barefoot. _____, --Conclusion: Mormonism is Sick--and So (Genetically Speaking) Are the Faithful Followers of the LDS Legacy of Blood-Poisoned Polygamy. First, an overview: --"God's Brothel": A Review of Polygamy's Brutal Underworld Mormon Roots. ", -Apostle Heber C. Kimball, "Journal of Discourses," vol. A brief review of the accomplishments of the Co-op produces an impressive spreadsheet with assets in excess of $200 million. [10], According to his autobiography, Charles W. Kingston became disenchanted with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) in 1926 because it abandoned plural marriage. Much of what we have reviewed appears frivolous and unfounded, Gustafson said in an emailed statement. "Isaac Wyler, also a former follower of the church led by fugitive Warren Jeffs, told KSL that he was related by marriage to some of the victims. [8], In the late 1990s, three members of the LDCJC faced scrutiny for entering into incestuous relationships. J. Ortell Kingston aggressively pursued a financially-expansive agenda for the Davis County Cooperative Society Inc.[25] in the hopes of improving the financial condition of his followers. . Let's now examine how this supposedly "divinely-inspired" Mormon program of heavenly eugenics has actually worked in practice. One recent morning [John Ortell's niece and third wife, Mary Gustafson] defended her complicity in arranging her daughters' marriages to their half-brothers, sons of John Ortell and LaDonna. "Experts say the number of children afflicted in the FLDS community is expected to steadily increase as a result of decades of inbreeding between two of the polygamous sect's founding families--the Barlows and the Jessops. . The accusers describe a patriarchal doctrine known as The Law of One Above Another, which they claim designates everyone a rank in the groups hierarchy. But residents who are aware of fumarase deficiency fear that the number of children afflicted with the disease will indeed increase. . Accordingly, Elden became the first prophet of the Kingston Group and established the Davis County Cooperative Society. . . A member of a polygamist clan today was convicted of incest with his 16-year-old niece, who testified that she had been forced to become his 15th wife. . When a group inbreeds, as polygamists have, more and more lethal gene matches occur. But that's like spitting in the ocean.'. One of the most devastating hereditary malformations is fumarase deficiency, a rare genetic condition marked by severe mental retardation and seizures. Wyler's ex-wife's sister has had two babies afflicted with fumarase deficiency. 'Children should not be victims of such programs.'. "Tarby says members of the community made it clear that neither choice was acceptable. [1] Charles William Kingston, Autobiography, 2324; spelling and punctuation standardized. It is a common and intentional practice in the Order to require girls and women to submit sexually to their husbands even if the sexual submission is against their will because having children results in workers for the benefit of the Order, the lawsuit states. Who is the insider on Escaping Polygamy? - Monsters and Critics . Such a system was commenced by the founders of the Roman empire. . I am convinced they do. They purportedly have 10 children, the girl told police. Reportedly, Paul and his brother each have dozens of wives and hundreds of children. They ought to be ashamed of such conduct, and the still fouler channel which flows from their practices; and it is not to be wondered at that they should envy those who so much better understand the social relations. "Marriages among first and second cousins have been common for decades in the community, where religious doctrine requires men to have at least three wives to gain eternal salvation. In their own words, as quoted in a sister article that asks the question, "Is Monogamy the Ruin of Civilization?" lost the priesthood which had come down to them from the Prophet Joseph Smith. Kingston Clan. The Kingstons represent an intriguing branch on the Mormon fundamentalist tree. As Kingston wife charged in child's death, former clan members - KUTV Daughters of men in the Co-op would be married off at young ages. ", ("Mormon Polygamy: Frequently Asked Questions," at: http://www.i4m.com/think/polygamy/polygamy_summary.htm). His father wrote: Brother Elden received a new covenant up on the top of the highest mountain that is east of Bountiful, Utah. Mormons can now see why American citizens passed laws intended to stop polygamy, a relic of unwise prophecy, laws continuously disregarded in Utah, a state controlled by the Mormon Church, if they will only look. . This denial is hollow considering the record. Consequently, genetic diseases and mutations have inevitably sprouted in many polygamous groups having this belief. "A Secretive Refrain: . But rather than amassing a fortune for the sake of accumulating wealth or to simply sustain a few selected leaders, donations flow into the Church coffers and out again to provide financial support for the accomplishment of the Churchs responsibilities regarding missionary work, temple work, and providing for physical welfare needs. When Incest Becomes a Religious Tenet - culteducation.com . . Police raid Utah properties of well-known polygamist Kingston Clan Inside 'The Order,' One Mormon Cult's Secret Empire . . [22][23] Currently the group claims that although different skillsets bring different financial outcomes, there is no homelessness within the DCCS, and internal programs exist for those experiencing financial poverty.[2]. In fact, the leaders of the Co-op just seem to be getting richer and the poor get essentially ignored. Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints elders, who control the community, have labored to keep the public from finding out why the disorder is manifesting. . ", ("Doctor: Birth defects increase in polygamy community," Associated Press, 9 February 2006, at: http://www.azcentral.com/health/news/articles/0209PolygamyBirthDefect09-) First, the truth and the priesthood keys are dispensed from heaven to a prophet on earth. [T]he one-wife system not only degenerates the human family, both physically and intellectually, but it is entirely incompatible with philosophical notions of immortality; it is a lure to temptation, and has always proved a curse to a people. 'I could choose, but it had to be a brother, uncle or cousin.' Over the past decades, the Kingston Group has maintained extreme secrecy while developing an extensive cooperative system, with wealth in at least 50 corporations in Utah and scattered across the West. My aunt and uncle outlived two of their five children and two more may have nephritis. . . "Gradually, I realized the practice of polygamy, especially in Mormondom, might be a prescription for genetic disease. "If both parents are descendants of polygamy, the children may be at even greater risk. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a302ff8194befb0 . 'I try in my own, quiet way and tell them to outbreed. Blood Cult | Southern Poverty Law Center
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