Im truly sorry for those who were mistreated and sorry if bitterness is hurting you now. Im told its because when u abandon the real truth, theres hardly any hope. If you confuse the KJV with the KJB, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 3. Some true, some not so much. You are still required to tithe in the IFB regardless of your source of income. That apparently is what Christ would do. Praise the lord God made salvation a gift, or I probably wouldnt have received it. 4,2, and 7 month old. I have attended an IB Church my entire life (34 years). WebBaptists reject the notion of baptism of people who do not know what is happening to them, such as children. Instead of attempting to find humor , find time to pray for them. WebNo denomination, governmental body, or religious hierarchy may dictate the church's beliefs or practices. This Bible is preserved for the English speaking world without error in the King James Version. 50. Please read for an answer to your bitterness accusation/assumption. In the past 25 years, Ive seen many children leave but very few come back. Jesus saved by dying on the cross in my husbands place. I hope that you left your church in good terms and that they knew how you felt and whoever was wrong to be revived and allow the precense of God to bring the individual to the norm in other words what christian ought to be not what men want to be. We told to get married. We believe that God forbids any attempt to alter one's God-given gender identity by any means, including surgery or appearance. I had no idea that I, as an IFB, might be guilty of these things. I will have to argue that while on vacation we just go to church somewhere else rather than dashing home. This is because we live in this flesh. THE LAST THINGS "[3], The New IFB was formed by Anderson and other Baptist pastors in 2017 in an attempt to revive what they perceived older independent Baptist churches once represented. Praise the lord for giving it to us. All youve done in your last paragraph is parrot typical IFB talking points no substance there, just regurgitation. I can tolerate the other bits that go over board as long I am believing the word and get correct non compromising bible teaching. Same pastor who says to his congregation I love you, we all love you here.and we will not judge you. While I dont have a general opinion on this, I do believe that we should discipline our kids in the same sense that God disciplines us. Lots of people at the church stoped what they were doing to attend. Do you realize this was written as humorous piece ? Scofield came to know Christ AFTER all of that, so I dont hold that against him. These are not sacraments to earn salvation, but privileges granted by grace. If you believe that you can tell who the good Christians are and who the bad Christians are by looking at the fruit in their lives, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 51. The pastor our local congregation is the preaching elder and most Churches of Christ avoid the term, Pastor, when addressing their ministers. Using guitars in church is too liberal That was not the case at the church I grew up in when the last pastor I had when he came to Mountain Church of Christ when he first arrived (which is instrumental though membership is small). We had been boyfriend and girlfriend for 5 years and a baby that was 10 months old. The Pharisees were filled with hypocrisy and iniquity and my church is not. Jack Hyles came to our church and you would have thought Jesus himself was preaching! If you believe that that the wine referred to in the bible is nothing more than the fruit of the vine I generally agree with this part especially when it comes to the Lords Supper because wine from a biblical perspective is grape juice even though I still question if it is NOTHING MORE than the fruit of the vine. Im not IFB but I still believe in tithes and offerings. 1. We believe that the sign gifts of the Holy Spirit, such as speaking in tongues and the gift of healing, were temporary. I want no part of it except to expose it for what it is cultish. The explosion caused property damage but no injuries or deaths. Jesus Christ is the mediator between God and man. I do believe the requirements of a bishop and deacon is the husband of one wife.1 Timothy 3:2,12 we dont look down on divorced people. 7. The pastor pointed out (over the course of his long 2 hour sermon LOL) that a shepherd doesnt use a rod and staff to beat his sheep but to prod and guide them. (Matthew 28:19-20; Romans 6:4; 1 Corinthians 11:23-32), Every individual, believer and unbeliever, possesses the God-given privilege of free will having the liberty to choose what to believe. Oh yes, and he forgot the most important, essential factorrelated to KJV reliancevirtual ignorance of and illiteracy in biblical Hebrew and Greek!!!!!!!! From my perspective turning people away from the IFB is turning them towards God. It uses the Bible to treat everything from porn addiction Im sad to here that fellow Christians cant get along, and I will start praying for all Churchs to be revived. That can get a little hairy, though, because you never know when youll end up at a more liberal churchlike yours! For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: If you attend a church that has a team of men who are charged with keeping an attendance count each Sunday, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 43. Gods will was for me to forgive. Youre supposed to read the word daily, it says give us this day our daily bread. Only a person who has embraced the Savior in fa Continue Reading 4 AbdulQadir Salati Every person is individually responsible to God and will be judged according to the beliefs and practices he or she freely chooses. Every time I got to a low point in my life, I knew that I could count on the church to be there for me. Those who judge people like that WILL BE judged the same way, PERIOD. 5 Hypocrite! Pastor Wilkerson was the one and ONLY pastor who allowed me to work passionately in what ever church ministry I chosen. (Genesis 2:24; Romans 7:2; 1 Corinthians 7:10; Ephesians 5:22-23), We believe that God expressly forbids intimate sexual activity be engaged in outside of a marriage between one man and one woman. 43. I found that 10 of those apply to me and Im not even IFB. I praise the lord for that because if I sin I dont have to announce it to anyone but my Heavenly Father and he is faithful and just to forgive me. We had no money.. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, became man, without ceasing to be God, having been conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, in order that He might reveal God and redeem sinful men (John 1:1-2, 14; Luke 1:35; Isaiah 9:6; 7:14; Philippians 2:5-8; Galatians 4:4-5). Believing that going to the movies is sinful but not renting them or watching them on TV I dont see anything wrong about going to the movies because I went to the movies years ago. Please read this article for more information:, I hope that you left your church in good terms and that they knew how you felt and whoever was wrong to be revived and allow the precense [sic] of God to bring the individual to the norm in other words what christian ought to be not what men want to be.. Basically he was just marketing for his college. 15 What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Also, #55 there has only been and will ever only be one perfect person. I remember a particular lesson in church about the rod and staff. [4][5], A split in the New IFB occurred in January 2019, after Donnie Romero, pastor at Stedfast Baptist Church-Fort Worth (SBC), resigned after it was revealed he had hired prostitutes, smoked marijuana and gambled. Pastors daughter did my hair and cleaned my dress with baby wipes. I wanted to marry my boyfriend, but I want to fix him first. Thats sweet. To love Jesus is to love his word and follow his commands because we love him. 25 What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. All fellowship should be grounded in doctrine. I dare say it would be the one you enjoy making fun of. OK That list just brought back memories that I can thankfully laugh at now. We believe in the bodily resurrection of all men, the saved to eternal life, and the unsaved to judgment and everlasting punishment (Matthew 25:46; John 5:28, 29, 11:25-26; Revelation 20:5-6, 12-13). Hypocrites! The New Testament church should be an independent church. More insights from your Bible study - Get Started with Logos Bible Software for Free! What Jesus did on the cross is for our salvation. We wanted help and we wanted to know what the Bible said. If you stay, Im almost certain youll end up regretting it. Please read for an answer to your bitterness accusation/assumption. LOL. Duh Get your mind out of the gutter. If you believe that your health issue is the result of sin in your life, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 49. Complete Guide to Christian Denominations: Understanding the History, Beliefs, and Differences by Ron Rhodes. You are quick to throw in a jab about how much you dislike them, but cannot tolerate anyone saying different. Care to elaborate, provide examples? Many of these, yes are extreme, be we also need to not be compromising in some areas. Its pure manipulation. If you refuse to eat at a restaurant because they serve alcoholic beverages, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 27. These Independent Fundamental Baptists appear to be inconsistent, and so misguided. No official opinion on this though as I said we should discipline our children the same way God disciplines us Hypocrites! We dont forgive people for their salvation we cant because we arent Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 28. Thats The Holy Spirit speaking to me. We forgive people, but only God can forgive sins. Ive read all the comments posted so far, but I dont fall into many of those categories as an IFB and Ive been an IFB for almost 13yrs now. Praise God because us getting married and having faith we both grew. I wanted to go to church but was not able to. I, too, would never go back to many of the churches that I have been to, but if you search, you will find one that will cause you to grow in your faith and knowledge, and to change and to believe what God has said. I know the answers now. If you want a discussion ask for one. I read Matthew 23 just before writing. THESE SERMON OUTLINES By Michael D. ONeal, Founder and Pastor Since 1986 Of. Christ suffered and Any ways God is good and can use any church to reach anyone it all depends on if you as an individual will receive his free gift of salvation, because God is that powerful. I hope you found some church that preaches the truth (even though they may differ on some things with me). (Matthew 22:15-22; 28:19-20;Romans 13:1-7). How about shortchanging the Lord out of 20 minutes of Sunday service time worship for game show gimmickry hype to boost attendance? The pew hymnal is inspired by God While I favor hymns but I wouldnt necessarily say that because even though I do use the hymnal, most people at the church I go to now sing from the Power Point. I dont have to try and understand it, I already know it. If you feel compelled to go door to door witnessing (or were compelled to visit a nursing home as a teen), you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 28. I can be more specific and categorize your list of 55 things to give some examples as you asked OGrodnik to do, but it wouldnt be to diminish what you and others have experienced. I have to admit its a lot less work than actually thinking through things. Hmmmmm interesting.I will bash ifb, while I mix truth and error interesting.. Nice going Steve 18 And you say that to swear by the altar is not binding, but to swear by the gifts on the altar is binding. Remember when Jesus rebuked the Pharisees? Lol. People that are lost cant do what God has commanded because of unbelief. If you think that more than one earring per ear for women is worldly, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 13. I found myself laughing at quite a few of these because they are things that I used to believe. People to Be Executed", "Deported NZ pastor Logan Robertson shows no remorse for harassing 'sissy' Muslims", "Police investigating Auckland pastor who threatened homosexuals", "Advocates urge supporters to ask landlord to evict Stedfast Baptist", "North Texas church that called for execution of gay people won't be evicted",, Baptist denominations established in the 21st century, Anti-Islam sentiment in the United States, Organizations that oppose LGBT rights in the United States, Christian organizations established in 2017, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 28 February 2023, at 23:30. There are independent Reformed/Calvinist Baptists, and independent Arminian WebEvery active member wishing to speak shall rise and respectfully address the moderator. Anderson, Fannin and Shelley traded accusations of financial wrongdoing and running a cult. The thing is, its so insidious, you dont really realize its happening until youre firmly entrenched. 53. Amen! People can ask for clarification if they want. 39. No one should be forced to any belief against his or her will. But I still think that every Christian should spend some time in an IFB church. A strong percentage of our funding comes through several hundred local churches who support If you are really interested in finding out about my poor experiences with the IFB please read the website rather than make assumptions. 20 When you swear by the altar, you are swearing by it and by everything on it. 23. We dont think rational thought is dangerous. I would of rather take the word literally than follow the world. 3 1/2 years ago we were addicted to marijuana, cigarettes, alcohol, and pills. Wow! Anybody who opposes the IFB teaching is bitter Cant say that because anybody who opposes BIBLICAL teaching is spiritually blind because they dont know the truth. God forgave because Jesus saved. 20. Is there any perfect , no. 5. My ministry isnt to the lost, its to help heal those whove been hurt by the IFB. God divorced Israel but Not judah..Jesus is the Lion of the tribe of WHAT?? . Please read the rest of the website and my story rather than just judge me. Baptists are people of the Bible and not fellings. You are quick to throw in a jab about how much you dislike them, but cannot tolerate anyone saying different. Believing its a sin is one thing, believing its an unforgivable sin is another. We believe that , lesbianism, bisexuality, bestiality, incest, fornication, adultery, and pornography are perversions of God's intended purposes and therefore, sin. We believe that salvation is by grace plus nothing minus nothing. ? (Psalm 12:6-7; 2 Timothy 3:15-17; 1 Thessalonians 2:13; 2 Peter 1:20-21), Each local church is an independent body accountable to the Lord Jesus Christ. The two are completely unrelated. [4], Despite the website's claims that each church is independent, some followers and former followers of the New IFB have accused Anderson of having complete control over the organization and ejecting anyone who has a minor disagreement with him. If you believe that attending an IFB church is the only way to hear the true gospel and get saved, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 36. By the way Jason, if you think theres something spiritual about tolerating abuse, I feel sorry for you. The school was run by Lester Roloff, an independent fundamental Baptist preacher who broke from the Southern Baptist Convention in 1954 and founded a series Its the inspired word of God. Members all so giving that it made me want to be a giving person. (John 3:36; Romans 14:4-12;2 Corinthians 4:2; Titus 1:9), Local church membership is restricted to individuals who give a believable testimony of personal faith in Christ and have publicly identified with Him in believer's baptism. If the IFB churches are hurting the cause of Christ, would your attitude and example also hurt His cause. If you question if youre truly saved or not when youre having trouble accepting that giviing 10% of your gross income is a direct commandment for all Christians and if you dont give it, youre under a curse. Me and my husband got saved 3 1/2 years ago at an IFB church. Secular music other than old time gospel hymns is sin I dont see anything wrong with rock & roll, oldies music, and country music though it has gotten worse these days than it was years ago but the music I hate the most are hip hop, heavy metal generally, and especially RAP music which my brother likes. All people need to do is humbly ask for one. 32. 13. I dont believe my husband was the only one hurting the relationship. Israel was the prodical.. judah is the elder son that was jealous of israel.. Study The prodigal son and the two houses of Israel. They all work together. Stil fit. And if a lost person were to stumble upon this page and read your list and how you respond to any differing opinions, would you be helping plant a seed? [8], The New IFB website states that it is not a denomination and that New IFB pastors have differing views over minor theological issues. (Mat 22:37-40) Can you honestly say that this is of God. If your pastor preaches against smoking because it is bad for the body but is himself an obese glutton, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 25. The New IFB does not consider itself to be a denomination. I understand others dont like hearing God gave inspiration to the Kjv, but its true. Mental health issues is a result of sin and poor choices same position with my belief concerning IFB 48. If you think that reading a version of the Bible other than the KJV is a sin, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 18. You can read some of them in the comments section and in the testimonial section here: You might be a hypocrite if you dedicate a whole website to exposing deception while using it.??? What an extensive list. 8. I didnt really say you can get drunk on grape juice but if I did, I might be a little confused. Its my calling and my ministry. I wish you had broken up your last paragraph into multiple paragraph everything runs together. If you think that the other translations are too wordly that right there I dont like. We should not tell who are the good and bad Christians because we should treat everyone with love just like God loves every one of us. Its a Biblical principle that we are commanded to follow. Take a look here: Its insidious and extremely toxic. People are people and free to choose their own way. The only sin that is not forgivable is blaspheming against the Holy Spirit. Wherever there are people, there is sin. 8 Dont let anyone call you Rabbi, for you have only one teacher, and all of you are equal as brothers and sisters. N/A We believe the King James Bible to be inerrant. If you refuse to use any other Bible version than the KJV because you think its either too worldly, sinful or less accurate,you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 4. 11. Thank God for grace! The verses you quoted are taken out of context and dont mean what you imply them to mean. 12. 27. 25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; 26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word. Everyone as an individual should get right with God in whatever he has commanded them. Im sure that this was meant to be funny but I can tell that you seem bitter. I am a member of an IFB church, Many things on the above list dont apply to the church I attend or those with which I have had the opportunity to attend. the Bible teaches us to prove and test matters. As I sit under preaching, sing worship songs unto the Lord, pray earnestly, read my Bible as often as I can, and search through commentaries to help me gain a deeper knowledge instead of surface reading, I KNOW Im drawing closer to God in a personal relationship with Him. Many Christians believe some of these distinctives, but true Baptists believe them all. 23 Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, 2 The teachers of religious law and the Pharisees are the official interpreters of the law of Moses. This is very good. I aint got any place to judge anyone because in all honesty i have messed up in life a lot. It seems most on here have a issue with IFB churches. WebIndependent Fundamental Baptist churches have fellowship one with the other and often cooperate in such endeavors as evangelism. I must say, I was hoping the list would be more interesting but the fact mixed into the exaggeration of each point was mostly so true it seemed a bit pointless! It was fun to read down through comments and feel a little gratified that not everyone was chuckling to themselves againwhy?? Yes, see my answer to your first question. If you think that you should cut your vacation short so that you can make it back in time for Sunday morning Sunday School, but think its OK that your pastor miss a Sunday or two because hes on vacation, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 5. Get over it and work to rebuild the relationships instead of tearing down. I can count on one hand the number of IFBs whove asked for a discussion instead of attacking me. They try there best to live for Christ and to give God the glory for everything. According to the ADL "Anti-LGBTQ bigotry and antisemitism are fundamental to New IFB ideology, as demonstrated by the doctrinal statements on their websites and the content of their sermons. 38. If you believe that all Catholics are going to hell, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 35. No government should interfere with the local church's preaching, activities, and ministry. They act like childern, but my church loves them because Jesus loves them. I prefer Kjv! Some of these doctrines are as listed. 6 And they love to sit at the head table at banquets and in the seats of honor in the synagogues.
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